Some Old Stuff

Old High School Code :D

  • Just found my old high school Java projects that used Greenfoot; it’s one of my favorite teaching and learning tools that I’ve used in my coding journey so far. It’s intelligently visual, and simple, and clean. I’d recommend it for anyone learning Java, especially younger people.

These games were so fun to make…

I’ll probably download GreenFoot again to check them out!

  • My projects are here, and include a Dance Dance Revolution type game, a Crab Game, and a Tron style Light Cycle game, all made in Java using Greenfoot as an IDE.

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An Update

Hello again! I’ve decided I want to post about Cucumber!

What is Cucumber Anyway?

Cucumber is a software acceptance testing tool (originally written in Ruby) that helps automate tests, and foster collaborative communication amongst developers, business stakeholders, and anyone involved in the Software Development Life Cycle. Cucumber inherently enforces good Behavior-Driven Development, and employs simple syntax and structure for writing tests.

Context and Concepts:

The following quotes were taken from the book I discussed in my previous post, chapter 1, page 8.

  • “Software teams work best when the developers and business stakeholders are communicating clearly with one another. A great way to do that is to collaboratively specify the work that’s about to be done using automated acceptance tests.”
  • “When the acceptance tests are written as examples, they stimulate people’s imaginations and help them to see other scenarios they hadn’t previously considered.”
  • “When the team members write their acceptance tests collaboratively [together, concurrently in a room somewhere, ideally], they can develop their own ubiquitous language for talking about their problem domain.”
  • “Cucumber was designed specifically to help business stakeholders get involved in writing acceptance tests.”
  • “Each test case in Cucumber is called a scenario, and scenarios are grouped into features.” Each scenario contains several steps.”
  • “The business-facing parts of a Cucumber test suite, stored in feature [.feature] files, must be written according to syntax rules–known as Gherkin–so that Cucumber can read them.”
    • FYI: Gherkin is written using a Given-When-Then syntax. Given an initial system context, when an event occurs, then we expect … to occur.
  • “Under the hood, step definitions translate from the business-facing language of steps into code.”
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First Post

First Post!

To whomever reads this, thank you! This is my first post and I appreciate you scrolling by!

Cucumber With Java!

I’ve enjoyed learning Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) via Cucumber! This book (below) is a great read for those familiar with Java. I’m hoping to write a post with a closer look at some of the concepts soon; I’ve been enjoying re-reading it recently. Using cucumber to create an automation test suite to test an API at Wex has been one of my favorite projects to date!

For more info on Cucumber:

Here is a preview and link to Amazon where you can purchase the book: The Cucumber For Java Book

Cucumber For Java

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